Want to learn with us?
We are often asked when we plan to teach another workshop after great success of the previous workshops on Muscle Energy Techniques and Massage for Beginners. Good news! At the moment we are in the process of setting a date for our next workshop which will be on Assessment techniques. Below to the left are the workshops we offer.
Please contact us or use the email submission form on the contact page to enquire.

Lower Body Postural/Gait Assessment
In this workshop we will take a closer look at the initial postural assessment of our clients. We will focus on lower limb, the foot/ankle/knee and hip complex. We will discuss specifically what to look for in active and passive assessment and how this translates into where we treat and how we can can be more specific in treating our assessment findings. Often we are taught how to examine a client but in this course we look at how we then carry that through to treatment. This workshop is open to qualified Manual Therpists, and Body Therapists.

Gentle Joint Mobilisations for Therapists
This workshop is for therapists who would like to learn more about mobilising and influencing the joints. We will be looking at gentle joint mobilisations using levered techniques, gentle manipulations, arthrokinetics and Muscle Energy Techniques.
We will have a detailed insight into joint function and dysfunction and discuss how we can regain range of movement within each joint and reestablish correct function.
This workshop is open to qualified Manual Therpists.
Upper Body Postural/Gait Assessment.

In this workshop we will take a closer look at the initial postural assessment of our clients. We will focus on the upper body, thoracic/shoulder/neck assessment. We will exam Upper Cross Syndrome and how to assess tight/weak muscles. We will also discuss specifically what to look for in active and passive assessment and how this translates into where we treat and how we can be more specific in treating our assessment findings. This workshop is open to qualified Manual Therpists, and Body Therapists.

TMJ and Headaches
In this workshop we address the possible causes and triggers behind clients that present with headaches or TMJ dysfunction. We will cover postural assessment, upper crossed posture, TMJ. We will look at the muscles involved and that need to be addressed and then teach you gentle methods and techniques to use to work on clients that are in pain and also share exercises which can be given to help clients at home. This workshop is open to Manual Therapists, Osteopaths, Physical Therapists, Dentists, Othodontists, and Hygenists.